One thing I have noticed about using all fresh foods to prepare every meal is that, even though there is no shortage of meals to prepare, there is no way you can stock every ingredient for every meal idea and recipe you have or find. Because of this, I routinely make the same meals several times per week, along with several meals that I choose and plan for when I grocery shop. You would think that after a while, these same meals would get boring, and I admit, they do. But having them always available keeps you from making a poor choice in food, and there are ways to vary them slightly.
For example, last night, I wanted a pizza. It has been over a month since I have came to the Paleo Lifestyle and I decided I wanted (not to be confused with cheating) a slice of white pizza. I also ordered it with tomatoes, spinach, onions and black olives. It was a fantastic pizza, satisfying both my desire for variation and every taste-bud in my mouth. And within one hour, I got that same feeling in my gut that I used to feel after pretty much every meal. Bubbles... Shifting... and what the hell is that smell?!
That was a poor food choice. Not because it was just pizza. But because it had everything on it that I was accustomed to eating in the past and just accepted as normal. Now that I know what it feels like to actually feel normal after eating, to feel the food I'm eating actually get put to good use, I don't want to feel like I did last night again (or this morning for that matter).
So the question is this:
I have committed to the Paleo Lifestyle 100% and I feel great about it. This is easily sustainable for me and I will continue forever. But how do I, on occasion, vary from this lifestyle to enjoy a slice of pizza, or a bowl of Nanna's pasta and eggplant parmigiana, or anything else for that matter, without suffering for it hours later?
I guess it's like my grandfather always says: "If you wanna play, you gotta pay."
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